Friday, February 13, 2009

Just some thoughts..

So my main thing is compassion. I think it is by far the most important thing in the world. I believe that people should have compassion for everyone and everything around them. I'm the type of person who always roots for the under dog, and who cares about how others feel (maybe even a little to much). I also love animals. I think that animals deserve the right to live, and that is why i am Vegan. Which for those out there who don't know what that is, it means that i don't eat meat, dairy, eggs, or anything else that comes from animals. Most people think that it would be the hardest thing in the world, but i love it! I can eat anything i want, it's just in moderation. Any who, just a thought for the day, look out for others because chances are when the cards are down for you, you will need someone to look out for you! Have a good day!


  1. Kinsey welcome to blogging. I look forward to reading your blogs. You are always making me think. I love you

  2. Cute blog! You are such a sweethear! I love you girl!
